Heist Episode: The Museum stage tasks Cloudy with stealing a painting from a museum.Framing Device: Cloudy's adventures are presented as a bedtime story a grandfather is telling his (initially unamused) grandchild.In addition, the Cloud Paint Stage couldn't have a clearer objective: just paint a picture. Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Do Not Move Level ends if you should move.Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs appear in the Late Cretaceous Stage.Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud: Items are only sucked up by Cloudy's tornado if they should touch it.In the Birthday stage, Cloudy is instructed to destroy the celebrating boy's presents because the narrator's grandson was not invited to the party. Disproportionate Retribution: Froggie wants Cloudy to soak everyone in a restaurant and ruin their day in the Restaurant stage because they are topping their pizza with ketchup.He also admits that it's all his life was meant for and hopes the player encounters a bug so they can come back and talk with him. He then lampshades this by saying that he only exists on that part of the map just to tell the player that and nothing else, along with not having a chance to cameo anywhere else in the game. Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Buggy the Bug who was just put there on the map to introduce himself and tell the player to contact the game's dev team if they encounter a bug.Crosshair Aware: Laser Turrets will shine a crosshair on Cloudy right before the fire at him.

Creator Cameo: The game's creators appear in Level 50, the game's Playable Epilouge level.