Mellow yellow smoke shop
Mellow yellow smoke shop

mellow yellow smoke shop

Bowl is also the reference we use to describe the part of a water pipe that is removed once the user has completed an inhalation cycle. Glass Bowl Bowl generally refers to the area where flower or extract is placed to be heated (direct or direct / combustion or vaporization).This is where to find non-functional glass art from both your favorite pipe artists and others. Glass Art Glass Art like Pendants, Jewelry, Marbles, Vases and ANYTHING not directly associated with smoking, vaping or consumption.Cleaning Products Cleaning Products is where you will find Cleaners and Cleaning Tools for your glass pipe.Chameleon Merchandise Chameleon Merchandise is where you can find logo and branded accessories and apparel.

mellow yellow smoke shop

Accessories and Merchandise You came to buy a pipe, and now that you’re here, you see Chameleon Glass has a whole lotta other stuff ( Accessories and Merchandise ) ….stuff that maybe you did not expect, stuff that maybe you did not know even existed! Welcome to Accessories and Merchandise: The place to find the stuff to go along with your glass pipe.Hookah Hookah, Narghila, Ghalian and all cultural variants of these term refer to the top loading water pipe used to enjoy flavored and sugared tobacco called Shisha.In the case of pipes, a bubbler is a waterpipe, typically handheld, typically smaller in size than common Water Pipes like Bongs or Hookah Bubbler The term Bubbler is from the scientific glass community that describes apparatus that filters a gas by passing it through a liquid.The term Bong is a reference to a ‘Billabong’ typically a tidal estuary with calm standing water where surfers could hang out between sets and rest up. Bong A Bong is a modern reference to a stand alone water pipe with a single open mouthpiece (typically at the top of the apparatus) specifically designed for a single user.Water Pipes Water Pipe refers to any combustion or vaporization apparatus that passes smoke or vapor through water to cool and filter the gas prior to being inhaled.When the water carrying portion of the vessel cracks, wobbles or otherwise becomes unusable, the lather operator flame cuts the damaged area away from the neck and mouthpiece to save all the fume and decoration work residing on the neck. Steamrollers have been around for many years, but were popularized recently as a method used by water pipe manufacturers, to recoup a ‘lost’ piece. Steamroller A Steamroller is a style of pipe that has both ends open with some sort of an attached combustion chamber (push bowl).Spoon Spoon refers to a simple straight handpipe and is the most common shape of a handpipe.Sherlocks provide a cleaner, smoother pull than any straight pipe. Sherlock Sherlock refers to pipes having a deep, dramatic ‘U’ bend that causes hot smoke and vapor to abruptly change direction and kick out any ash or unwanted particulate against the relatively cool surface of the glass where it quickly cools and sticks.They hold a hand rolled cigarette, joint, spliff (combination of tobacco and cannabis), cigar or blunt without the user having to actually touch the lit material. They popularized in the early 20th century as a way to curb communicable diseases during social smoking sessions. Some of its synonyms are cigarette holder, onie, taster or bat. One hitters are different from Chillums by the style of holding, but are reliable just like them. One Hitters One Hitter is so named because it allows the consumer to sample small amounts of leaf for on the go or before purchasing.With the advent of glass pipes however, the function of this apparatus is just ceremonial a glass pipe can be sterilized at the mouthpiece simply by passing an lit lighter over it a few times. Most ascribe this apparatus to India as a method of hygenic smoking where the lips of the user never actually touch the pipe. Chillum is used interchangeably with Onie, One Hitter and Cigarette Holder, though functionally, it is not the same by nature of the dents made for the holding fingers. The user then cups both hands together to make a relatively airtight chamber, flexes the thumb to create a small hole, presses lips to the thumb hole and inhales. Chillum Chillum refers to a specific apparatus design where two opposing notches or dents are made in the body of the pipe to allow the user to place the pipe in between the ring finger and the pinky finger and hold the Chillum in place.

mellow yellow smoke shop

Typically smaller in size so that the smoker can manipulate the pipe between the fingers and hold it in one’s hand.

  • Hand Pipe A Hand Pipe is what most people visualize when the term ‘pipe’ is used.

  • Mellow yellow smoke shop